Chloe Mason Chloe Mason

Parenthood and Evolving

As most of us parents know (even new parents) our children are constantly growing and evolving. Just when we get the hang of having a newborn they’re suddenly wanting more or less frequent feedings. Just when we get have a nap time schedule for our toddlers, they’re outgrowing the naps and have even more energy. And in my case, just when I had a grip on my sons young childhood years, puberty has hit and sports have begun. This comes with bigger grocery orders, more of a struggle to get up early for school, and let me not forget the HORMONES.

Parenthood has taught me that not only are they evolving into their own person with their own thoughts, personality, and perspectives, I’m evolving too. We learn the art of patience like never before. We grow into grace as we hit the road bumps we encounter throughout all of their developmental stages. We learn the necessity of budgeting because, whoops, another pair of glasses needs to be replaced. We learn the unconditional love our children need to feel supported through the rollercoaster of life.

Parenthood will push the boundaries of who we are and how we show up. As long as we are doing our best to pivot, extend grace to not only our children but also to ourselves, we are doing great. Although it seems pretty obvious that were constantly growing, evolving side by side with our children was a plot twist I didn’t see coming. Keep going and keep being gentle with yourself.

The kids will be just fine.

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Chloe Mason Chloe Mason

I’ve Been Thinking…

As the book pre-order date is swiftly approaching, Ive been traveling almost nonstop for work which has given me lots of time to think. Especially in these times, it is so important to check in with ourselves to see how we’re doing. In todays society it seems as we’re just now learning as a collective how important it is to nourish the relationship with ourselves as we would our own friendships. What might that look like?

It could be as simple as, I know I like Italian food, how about I take myself out and enjoy my own company? Recently, I was talking to a friend about dating ourselves for seven days. Doing all the things we would normally love from a partner or things we would do for a partner. You deserve to be romanced too even from yourself! Do you love to receive flowers? Within the seven days go buy your favorite flowers. Are words of affirmation important to you? Write yourself a love note pointing out things about yourself that you love. Acts of service? Clean your room and light a candle knowing it will set the tone for your evening.

Doing this can instill a standard within you to always honor what you need. Creating a deeper bond with the inner you. Want to take the seven day challenge? Please do and I’d love to hear how you’ve come to understand and love yourself a little more.

Love and light.

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Chloe Mason Chloe Mason

It Is Almost Here!

It all begins with an idea.

Tender is almost here. I am beyond excited to share my newest publication with you. You may be asking, what is it, what will I gain from this book? Here I’ll be answering those questions for you.

This was a project near to my heart. The last few years have been such a pivotal time within myself. As a lot of you, this last year has been a time for growth, hard lessons, and self discovery. These are the foundational subjects that inspired me to write it.

Throughout my adult life, I have struggled within the areas of boundaries, worthiness and self love. Taking a look at my past I often cringed. Thoughts like, how can I be a voice of empowerment when I have been such a tornado of destruction? Why am I worthy of the things I dream of? How can I set boundaries with those I love? Is it fair for me to end friendships that I pursued but are now toxic? Tender, is a gentle reminder of all the attributes you inherently are. It is full of answers to similar questions you too have been asking yourself. The book was created with YOU in mind no matter what you’re dealing with. After each written piece of encouragement and wisdom, there is a place for you to journal how it made you feel, unpack what you’ve read, and have an inner dialogue of how it is applicable in your life.

I’m full of gratitude that you took the time to learn about my first book and maybe you chose to purchase it. I’m honored to walk this journey with you!

All the love and light.

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