I’ve Been Thinking…

As the book pre-order date is swiftly approaching, Ive been traveling almost nonstop for work which has given me lots of time to think. Especially in these times, it is so important to check in with ourselves to see how we’re doing. In todays society it seems as we’re just now learning as a collective how important it is to nourish the relationship with ourselves as we would our own friendships. What might that look like?

It could be as simple as, I know I like Italian food, how about I take myself out and enjoy my own company? Recently, I was talking to a friend about dating ourselves for seven days. Doing all the things we would normally love from a partner or things we would do for a partner. You deserve to be romanced too even from yourself! Do you love to receive flowers? Within the seven days go buy your favorite flowers. Are words of affirmation important to you? Write yourself a love note pointing out things about yourself that you love. Acts of service? Clean your room and light a candle knowing it will set the tone for your evening.

Doing this can instill a standard within you to always honor what you need. Creating a deeper bond with the inner you. Want to take the seven day challenge? Please do and I’d love to hear how you’ve come to understand and love yourself a little more.

Love and light.


Parenthood and Evolving


It Is Almost Here!